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This is the free Material Data Center Datasheet of Ultramid® A3L HP - PA66 - BASF

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Ultramid® A3L HP is an unreinforced, impact modified, high flow, Polyamid 66 for injection molding. This grade has excellent flow and improved ambient and low temperature toughness.

Typical applications include fasteners and clamps.
ISO データ
引張弾性率 2440 / - MPa ISO 527
降伏応力 63.5 / - MPa ISO 527
降伏ひずみ 6.2 / - % ISO 527
破壊呼びひずみ 28 / - % ISO 527
ノッチ付きシャルピー衝撃強さ, +23°C 19 / - kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
ノッチ付きシャルピー衝撃強さ, -30°C 14 / - kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
ISO データ
溶融温度, 10°C/min 262 / * °C ISO 11357-1/-3
荷重たわみ温度, 1.80 MPa 70 / * °C ISO 75-1/-2
荷重たわみ温度, 0.45 MPa 192 / * °C ISO 75-1/-2
密度 1100 / - kg/m³ ISO 1183
Processing Recommendation Injection Molding単位テスト基準
Pre-drying - Temperature 60 °C -
Pre-drying - Time 1 - 2 h -
Processing humidity ≤0.2 % -
樹脂温度 288 - 305 °C -
金型温度 60 - 100 °C -
Nylon 66 materials must be properly dried in order to provide parts
with optimum strength and toughness. Nylon 66 materials are
hygroscopic and will become degraded by excessive moisture during the
injection molding process. For unopened bag/box, dry at 140F (60C) for
1-2 hours. For material exposed to the atmosphere, if additional
drying is needed, dry at 150F (66C) or until the moisture level is
between 0.04 - 0.20%.
Melt Temperature: 288 – 305C (550 – 580F)
Mold Temperature: 60 – 100C (140 – 212F)
Injection Pressure: 35 – 125 MPa (5000 – 18000 psi)
Back Pressure: 0 – 0.35 MPa (0 – 50 psi)
Screw RPM 40 – 80
Screw Compression Ratio:3:1 – 4:1

This product can be processed over a wide range of mold
temperatures; however, for applications where aesthetics are
critical, a mold surface temperature of 60-100C (140-212F)
is recommended.

Injection pressure controls the filling of the part and should
be applied for 90% of ram travel. Packing pressure affects
the final part and can be used effectively in controlling
sink marks and shrinkage. It should be applied and maintained
until the gate area is completely frozen off.

Fast fill rates are recommended to insure uniform melt
delivery to the cavity and prevent premature freezing.
Copyright Altair Engineering GmbH. Altair Engineering GmbH assumes no liability for the system to be free of errors. The user takes sole responsibility for the use of this data under the exclusion of every liability from Altair Engineering GmbH; this is especially valid for claims of compensation resulting from consequential damages. Altair explicitly points out that any decision about the application of materials must be double checked with the producer of this material. This includes all contents of this system. Copyright laws are applicable for the content of this system.
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Material Data Center is provided by M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH. M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH assumes no liability for the system to be free of errors. Any decision about the application of materials must be double checked with the producer of this material.

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